This and that, but more of that, and some of those.
I try. I really want to give credit for every image I use here, but I've missed very many, especially those from a year or so ago when nobody was looking so I was very loose with considerations of property or proper thank-yous.
Retracing my steps, to try and find where some of them originally came from, has been fruitless. I just find Dirty John Bonny. Especially with those heavily-Photoshopped signature images, sources are long lost.
I think that giving credit or offering a thank-you for someone else's work isn't just the right thing to do, but gives me more credibility and self-respect.
So if you see something that's yours, there's an email link prominently displayed near the top of the sidebar. This is one reason why it's there.
Let me know. I'll give public thanks or remove it, as you wish.
Best Google search term leading to Dirty John Bonny yet:
i don't understand what you said so here's a rabbit with a pancake on his head
Post here. Wish I'da really said that.
Other recent Google search terms:
large testis
Others than me can't properly make a plural. For all I
go on about balls around here, you'd think that I'd get that one right, but no.
albino giraffe scientific name
There isn't one. In spite of three slightly differently worded searches. And they kept clicking through. There's an aphorism about repeating the same thing and expecting different results...
roy orbison k d lang
Embedding video is fun. Except when it disappears. I've just updated
that post with a rescue video. All the search traffic makes me feel responsible and obliged to accommodate.
dont say that you love me song
I can just hear the "Aha" moment - it was called Tusk! The featured video is gone now. No rescue to be had, I'm afraid.
Note to self: At Dirty John Bonny post titles get initial caps, not newspaper-headline-style caps.
If I have to say this out loud to get me to remember it, then so be it.
Another rule: Any click-link that leads to unexpected territory, like a PDF or autoplay media must always be accompanied with a warning. I really wish everyone would do that.
I always try to use a new window for any link - that way you can quit it and get back easily wherever I send you.
And I still think that that siggy was cute. Even if nobody agrees with me (an inside joke, for an audience of two).
I use Google as an advanced spell-check: The usual tools will flag a mistake but Google will helpfully offer alternatives
"did you mean ...", usually including the correct spelling. I find myself relying on that more every day.
I do edit and fix typos and design misadventures at Dirty John Bonny from time to time. Only if I change something substantive do I flag it as an update. I've no idea how that works with anyone subscribing to a feed.
If all those little updates create noise then I apologize, but I can't really see things properly (or check them in IE) until after I publish.