Cooter-word update
An update of a post I did here, about kids saying the dirty word "vagina."
I've resisted the temptation so far, but it's my blog, so here it goes: Cunt. If you think that's offensive, that's just my point. The power of the offense comes from the power of the patriarchy, which is what of so much of The Vagina Monologues is about.
If you don't get what we're talking about here, go see Eve Ensler at TED (linked page plays automatically; about twenty minutes).
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) -- The one-day suspensions imposed on three high school girls for including the word “vagina” in a reading from “The Vagina Monologues” have been rescinded, one of the girls said.
Hannah Levinson, 16, said she and her friends received formal letters Tuesday from the school superintendent lifting the suspensions.
I've resisted the temptation so far, but it's my blog, so here it goes: Cunt. If you think that's offensive, that's just my point. The power of the offense comes from the power of the patriarchy, which is what of so much of The Vagina Monologues is about.
If you don't get what we're talking about here, go see Eve Ensler at TED (linked page plays automatically; about twenty minutes).
So this would be your flickr siggy?
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