A mystery solved
I remarked before about the curiously high Google rank (first page) for this site for the search "Shabbat Shalom."
Via Technorati I stumbled across the source - the front page of the blog My Left Wing had a blogroll link intended for the Shabbat Shalom site that actually pointed here.
That little link was driving an amount of traffic here that's been perplexing me for some time. I'm surprised that I was apparently the first to point the error out to Maryscott over there. I'd love to know what some of those people who clicked through thought.
I emailed her and I expect it be corrected soon.
I've no idea how it came about. As I remarked before, there was a blog post here with the title "Shabbat Shalom" posted once for all of a few minutes. It was a sort of meta-joke over the boys kissing theme involving a boy kissing a mezuzha. Either I killed it because it didn't work or Blogger ate it and I yielded to its better judgment - I can't recall.
Related: Naval gazing.
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