Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


The stats show over a thousand people in October, and a hundred already in November. There is nothing more awful than navel-gazing blog-about-blogging posts, but here I go.

What the hell; I do think it's a pretty site, but I like bunny robots and kissing boys. And bats. And somehow pirates serve to tie this all together. There's an internal logic that even I don't understand - I've written lots that didn't make it because I decided 'that's not dirty john bonny.'

I'm as tickled to point out that there's such a thing as curious chloride as I am to ridicule stupid people.

What's scary is that what started out as a monologue addressed to a few readers now has all these others looking over our shoulders. The top search terms are now 'John Bonny' and 'Dirty John Bonny.' Like on purpose.

So I can't help but feel some pressure to keep posting. But fair warning: the boys kissing folder is just about empty, and I can't do anything more with lions' balls.

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