Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Maybe it's the way I smell, or something

An earlier sighting.

...Or they're thick around here. But I keep running into these guys, to my delight.

I met another coyote this morning. Before dawn, I stopped in the park to change the tape in the Walkman (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) and saw the pup.

Between pishing, quiet baby-talk and jiggled fingers I held Coyote's attention and curiosity for a good five minutes. Coyote approached to within a meter, almost near enough to touch - and I would have. It ducked behind a tree, but kept peeking around.

Bad human! I really shouldn't coax so and encourage a disregard for fear of people - it could only result in bad consequences for a wild animal. But coyote was just so damn cute.

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