Talk to the animals
It's pronounced just like it looks, but with lots of sibilance. You usually say "pish-pish."It's a bit of universal language understood by both birds and mammals. Loosely translated: "Hey, you!"
I learned it from naturalist and guide Marc Egger in Africa. He used it to stop a group of bontebok antelope to look back over their shoulders and make a photo opportunity for me that you can see here. He used it to summon otherwise invisible cisticolas (little warbler birds) from a forest of weeds. They'd fly up, take a "wazzup?" look around, then disappear. They could have been shuttlecocks for all I knew.
But I learned the power of pish.
And it was a "pish-pish" that made that little coyote look up at me, posing prettily for that picture.
Last night I met some possums in the park in the dark. "Hello, br'er possum," got no response. Then I pished. Possum froze, and looked back at me. Wish I owned a speedlight and had the camera out. Instead you get a picture of a boy peeing off a cliff.
Try it out. You'll be like Harry Potter speaking Parseltongue.
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