Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Thursday, June 14, 2007


No, not that. Pish!.
Sculpture in the Iya Valley, Japan.

Talk to the animals

It's pronounced just like it looks, but with lots of sibilance. You usually say "pish-pish."

It's a bit of universal language understood by both birds and mammals. Loosely translated: "Hey, you!"

I learned it from naturalist and guide Marc Egger in Africa. He used it to stop a group of bontebok antelope to look back over their shoulders and make a photo opportunity for me that you can see here. He used it to summon otherwise invisible cisticolas (little warbler birds) from a forest of weeds. They'd fly up, take a "wazzup?" look around, then disappear. They could have been shuttlecocks for all I knew.

But I learned the power of pish.

And it was a "pish-pish" that made that little coyote look up at me, posing prettily for that picture.

Last night I met some possums in the park in the dark. "Hello, br'er possum," got no response. Then I pished. Possum froze, and looked back at me. Wish I owned a speedlight and had the camera out. Instead you get a picture of a boy peeing off a cliff.

Try it out. You'll be like Harry Potter speaking Parseltongue.

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