Idiots protect kids from Shakespeare, penises
MESA, Ariz. -- It was supposed to be a two-hour Shakespearean comedy attended by 700 Higley Unified School District sixth-through 12th graders.
But it was not to be.
About 40 minutes into the play, a district official halted the show Monday at the Higley Center for the Performing Arts.
About one and half.
The production is a parody and revue performed by three actors who cover the oeuvre, including the sonnets, with Titus Andronicus as a cooking show, Othello as a rap song.
"The only thing I can think of that she might have found objectionable is that there is the use of the word penis, twice," Bartz said. He said if Kissane had objections, the cast could have made adjustments, but weren't given the chance.
Like change it to "wee-wee." And cut out Falstaff entirely.
CBS 5, Arizona.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare(abridged) at WikiPedia.
Related, Banned Books at Dirty John Bonny.

Exit, pursued by a bear.
The Winter's Tale.
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