Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Fundie knickers got in a serious twist when on July eighth the San Diego Padres invited the Gay Men's Chorus of San Diego to sing the national anthem.

There were Christian picketers - people who can't think that gay people exist without thinking about 'lifestyles' (read: buttsex) - and email fundraising alerts from the American Family Association.

But reports are that the Chorus's performance was well received from those in attendance.

As my friend Scout says, "Tee hee!"

Very rough and shaky video.
About a minute.

I've always thought that baseball was the queerest men's sport, at least in terms of fans, not the athletes (that qualification allows me to rule out figure skating).

But maybe that's just an accident of geography and Chicago and Wrigleyville.


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