Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bats redux

More fun with biology

My Linnaean (a hierarchy based on morphology) classification of a bat here was fun.

You can trace the cladistic (a hierarchy based on evolution) view at the Tree of Life web site.

Here's what I make of it:

Eukaryotes (they have nucleated cells)
Metazoa (multicellular, usually with different functional cell types)
Bilateria (Bilaterally symmetrical animals with three germ layers)
Deuterostomia (they get to enjoy both an anus and a mouth)
Chordata (at some time, they have a nerve chord)
Craniata (skulls and bones)
Vertebrata (backboned)
Gnathostomata (with jaws)
Sarcopterygii ( The lobe-finned fishes & terrestrial vertebrates)
Terrestrial Vertebrates (Four-legged and other digit-bearing vertebrates)
Amniota ( Mammals, manimals, reptiles, and their extinct relatives)
Synapsida ( Mammals and their extinct relatives)
Mammalia (Placental mammals. Some mammals like the platypus, lay eggs!)
Chiroptera (Bats, at last)

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