It's alive!
One again, the pirate doctor has resurrected another dead computer. Over a few days my main PC gradually went totally tits-up. All better now, mkay?
For the eleventeenth time, I rued the lack of a solid back up. I didn't lose anyhting, but the whole job took longer since I had to be careful not to stomp on anything.
I've taken care of that in the form of a mirrored disk, so that next time I can just boot to the good copy. Provided, of course, that I keep the mirror up to date enough to be useful.
Boys, bunnies and blasphemy will resume soon.
A couple of weeks ago, my computer starting making a realy bad noise. It sounded like a disk drive head banging. I RAN to the store and got an external disk drive and quickly backed the thing up. Then learned that it was simply a fan rattling.
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