Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Friday, April 27, 2007


From last night's Democratic presidential candidate's debate, Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd:

"They ought to be able to have those loving relationships sanctioned," Dodd said on gay civil unions. "... I believe civil unions are appropriate and proper. I don't support same sex marriage."


I'm sick to death about word-salad remarks like this. What, exactly, is your point, Senator? If there's any reason why you think some people deserve only partial civil rights, please explain.

I don't need need to single out Dodd here, Obama and Clinton have been as bad.

Actually. it's kind of familiar. I can recall many similar, half-assed comments regarding racial equality in the 1960's.

I can't imagine Dennis Kucinich as a real President of the United States, but I really admire that when he stakes out a position, he embraces it and holds to it without equivocation.

Just had to vent for a moment. So no links. There's better thinkers and writers over there on the sidebar. That's why they're there.

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