Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Execrable is a cool word

For another Sunday, another atheism post.

The execrable Dinesh D'Souza wrote:

Notice something interesting about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shootings? Atheists are nowhere to be found.

He goes on with the usual shit about how atheists lack morality, empathy, and the ability to give succor.

A Virginia Tech atheist responds at Daily Kos:

We atheists do not believe in gods, or angels, or demons, or souls that endure, or a meeting place after all is said and done where more can be said and done and the point of it all revealed.

We don’t believe in the possibility of redemption after our lives, but the necessity of compassion in our lives.

We believe in people, in their joys and pains, in their good ideas and their wit and wisdom.

We believe in human rights and dignity, and we know what it is for those to be trampled on by brutes and vandals. We may believe that the universe is pitilessly indifferent but we know that friends and strangers alike most certainly are not.

We despise atrocity, not because a god tells us that it is wrong, but because if not massacre then nothing could be wrong.

[My paragraph breaks.]

Go read the whole thing. It's a short but eloquent and profound essay.

Back to bunnies, bats, blasphemy, and boys kissing shortly.

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