Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Friday, September 29, 2006


(Photo credit long, long lost)

As you can see in the sidebar, I decided that is was time to give this anonymous kid a break. Not only did he have to wear a homemade costume with a plastic owl serving as a pirate parrot, but I'd stolen his image as an avatar for Dirty John Bonny.

It started as an email siggy - a private thing - but now that this is public I feel the need to be more resposible.

So bye, and thanks, pirate boy.

Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.

I have no idea where this shadow-like artifact on the right is coming from. I only see it in Explorer.

I can't, so far, tell if it's coming from the style sheet or one of the posts. I'm leaving it for now. You use IE, you can't complain.

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