Dirty John Bonny

A lost boy who wants to join the pirates ...

Friday, February 23, 2007


Meta-stuff about pictures

Based on a cursory review, here are some the most-viewed images here at Dirty John Bonny.

This DJB avatar gets a high Google rank probably because of people searching on the misspelling "animie" in the file name.

anime boy
(Original credit long lost, and probably really embarrassing, if not illegal in many places. My own cropping and costume addition.)

This one deserves its rank for being so strange yet flat-out gorgeous. But it's really just representative, a lot of the photos from that post are viewed daily.

Like with many of these, I don't know why people aren't just finding the originals.

Taureau Blond d'Aquitaine.

Part of a series at Dirty John Bonny. Maybe the small notoriety here will lead someone to start selling this fridge magnet again. Viewed just today from someone in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.

boys kissing
Boys kissing.
(Credit long lost.)

Lost boys.

lost boys

From a production of Peter Pan.
(Disappeared from the web before I could give credit.)

Just boasting

Dirty John Bonny's Technorati rank is 790,341 out of 68.6 million blogs.

I got linked by coturnix at A Blog Around The Clock at ScienceBlogs. No evidence that anyone actually clicked on it, but we takes 'em where we can find them.


In case anybody is trying to figure out what this place is all about, here are some Google search terms that recently led here:

dildo chisum asshole prick (click)
lemur catta cladogram (click)

It's my blog, so I get to say "fuck," too. Fuck. Along with "cladogram" and "morphology." And scrotum. Giving free rein to my inner twelve-year-old, right out for the world to see.

By the way

It's "free rein," not "free reign," folks. Think tack: horse's stuff, not king's. Beware the eggcorn.

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